Green Mojo
is a typical “sauce” from the Canary Islands, where I was born, the base of the
green one is cilantro. It´s really easy to make, it can be served with any kind
of dish although with fresh fish is the best. The most traditional way to eat
it is with “papas arrugadas” (small potatoes boiled in sea water), as a snack
or appetizer. There is an enormous variety of Mojos in the Islands; in addition
every home has its own way.
-A bunch of
-4 medium
size Garlic Gloves (depends how strong you want it)
-1/2 Glass
of Spanish Virgin Extra Olive Oil.
-3 Tablespoons of Vinegar.
-1 Teaspoon
Seeds Cumin.
-A pinch of
Sea Salt.
traditional way to make it is in a mortar but using a blender is going to be
faster. So, place in a blending bowl the peeled and smashed garlic cloves, the cumin
seeds, the vinegar and the salt and blend then all till you get a fine
paste. Mince the cilantro leaves and add
to the mix. Throw in the EVOO little by little and keep blending at the same time
and YOU GOT IT!.
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