This is a traditional Galician recipe, the Northwest part of Spain, very popular on Christmas but very easy to find in the bars, restaurants and Spanish homes all year long. Everything is delicious in this plate from the seafood to the broth. And you can make it with mussels too.
-1 kg (2 Lb. 300 Oz.) of fresh Clams.
-1 Onion.
-2 Garlic Cloves.
-1 Bay Leaf.
-2 Tablespoons of Homemade Tomato Sauce.
-1 Tablespoon of Flour.
-A couple of dashes of Parsley.
-1 small Cayenne Pepper.
-½ Cup of White Wine.
First of all and very important, clean very well the clams to eliminate all the sand or other foreign bodies which they can have, do it with cold water. The best way to open them up is with steam, so put water in a deep pan along with the bay leaf and place the clams over the bowl in a steamer and watch them to open. When all of them are open, set aside and let them cool (discard those that remain closed).
After opening the clams, prepare the sauce. Peel and chop the onions and the garlic in little pieces and poach them in the same pan we steamed the clams with a stream of olive oil. (If you want a spicy sauce add a cayenne pepper).
Add the flour to the mix to becomes thick and stir it up together over low heat (don't let the flour get burned).
Pour the white wine and turn up the heat to evaporate the alcohol, and end adding the tomato sauce, don't stop to stir.
Eventually add the clams and let them soak with the sauce, just in a couple of minutes.
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